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Thoughts from Donna
Start your guidance by saying this prayer:
Higher Self Prayer
“Higher Self, Spirit, Mighty I Am Presence (whatever you want to call your higher self). I am so glad you are with me. I might not think I know you very well but I want a strong relationship with you. I could use some help here with my life. I need a good guide that I can completely trust. I am prepared to listen to you and follow your advice and guidance. Give me lots of signs and signals about what the right course of action for me is. Make it obvious. I don’t expect you to do everything for me. I realize this is my dream and I am the one that has to ultimately take responsibility for it. Help me to know what the truth is. Remind me often that I am a sacred being, divine in nature, way more capable than I thought I was. Help me to operate from this higher octave. Help me to know that I am never alone, that you are always with me, my very best friend. Help me to not judge myself harshly. Help me to not punish myself ever. Help me to look around and see others not as how they appear but as who they actually are, other aspects of myself. Help me not to judge them. Keep me from attacking others and seeing them in terms of their flaws. Help me to be compassionate, kind, and generous in all my dealings with myself and others. I am ready to transform my life. I am ready to release and let go of my old familiar ways to embrace the unknown, the great mystery, and the higher octaves. I am free of all limitations, all confinement, all the lies, all the fears, all the false programs. Thank you for listening to me. I love you. I know you love me.”

Now spend a few moments in silence just listening and feeling how you feel. Perhaps you will sense nothing. Perhaps you will feel a presence. Perhaps you will hear some thoughts in your head that you will experience as very serene, inducing a profound state of calmness, emptiness, or tranquility. You might feel jubilation, joy, or inspiration. You could feel a deep sense of relief, release, or freedom. Whatever you experience don’t judge it, don’t resist it, don’t second guess it. Just notice it.
So the first step is to establish a relationship with your higher self, your essence. First, you must transform your own inner world. The external world as you experience it will soon follow. You will notice that things seem to be different. You are different. The world is different in many small, even tiny ways. People are nicer to you and you are nicer to them. Food tastes better, animals may show more interest in you. Perhaps difficult people avoid you and you never seem to be where violence or negative drama is taking place. You seem to miss out on drive-by shootings, carjacking, riots, earthquakes, fires, floods, tsunamis, and other difficulties. Who knows, everyone is different in the way they experience change but there will be many signs that what you are doing is making a difference. Enjoy and acknowledge the differences.
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Registration is mandatory for this single-day seminar. Interested individuals must have completed the Reiki Levels 1 and 2 Training and hold a certificate of completion as a pre-requisite to participate in this course.

Reiki Master Teacher Training $550
Registration is required for this 2-day class, which requires prior completion of Reiki Level 3 training.